Teds 45 gallon mixed reef

what's the name of the coral in the first picture? that looks like the one I just got and am trying to identify? Pictures are great...what camera are you using? I need to get a better one myself....
First pic is green star polyps. The camera I have is a Canon T4i. got it on qvc six monthly payments and no interest. Came with body, two lens, camera bag, memory card, charger and battery.
Finally got around to increasing my clean up crew....and they got here today from reefcleaners....
You are correct. I emailed them and told them about what I already had and this is what was suggested. Seems like a :pooh: load of snails in there. I also went a head and added some more pods, the mandarin is doing good but I just want to make triple sure.
I was looking at reefcleaners but USPS here is lazy and they don't even attempt to deliver packages...all they do is put a slip in your mailbox and leave, they don't even put the package on the truck
I was looking at reefcleaners but USPS here is lazy and they don't even attempt to deliver packages...all they do is put a slip in your mailbox and leave, they don't even put the package on the truck
You can pay for other service but it costs more...
I have yet to see the mandarin eat anything except pods. In the store he was taking frozen but my tank was so infested with pods I think he is spoiled now. To be honest it has really concerned me to the point of buying more pods. So far I have added pods twice. I dont know if I should let the pods run its course for a while and see what happens or if I should just keep adding some every month or so. When I got the new snails in if I spent 3 dollars more I could get a 5 dollar off coupon so I added pods to it. So they paid me 2 dollars to take some pods off there hands. To be honest it looked like a bag of water, when I have bought tiger pods you could see them. The DT I cant see hardly any anymore but the refugium has tons of them. I turn the chaeto when I get home from work in the morning and I can see hundreds go into the return pump section. Soooo I dunno...at this point I am just praying that it is going to be ok. I dont mind reseeding every month to keep the mandarin....just dont know if I should or not.
After getting out of the shower this morning I walk into my room by the tank and stepped in water.....It looks like the right side bottom seal has given out. I was getting dressed for work, called work told them that I wasnt coming. I have transferred everything to the old corner tank and am now waiting for the pet store to open so I can buy another 45 gallon tank. It looks like I will have to get to the store when they open at 9am and hope they have another tank that will fit my stand. Then I will have to go to work and transfer everything back when I get off of work. OMFG this sucks....I could be looking at a total wipe out.
Here are some pictures of the mess right now.


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Got the new tank...took a while to find one. Everything is now moved over to the new tank. Rock work is a mess and corals are just all thrown in there. I will have to aquascape it later. My boss was nice enough to change my shift today to 5m to 3am. So need to get ready for work now and somehow make it to 3 in the morning. I have been up since 4am.

I am praying for no cycle but I know I am going to get one. I added a shit ton of prime to the tank in the hopes of reducing what ever bad happens. I will just have to wait and see. I havent even taken the sticker off of the new tank yet.
Thanks yall....I am headed off to work...when I get home I will still need to get all the tank stuff off my bed so I can sleep.
My mandarin is MIA...half the zoahs arent opening but at least arent melting. Right now I am just testing and letting it ride. Not much else I can do. The green star polyps arent opening either....I thought those could live through anything....:dunno: