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  1. W

    my new fish

    My coral banded have been pretty content so far as I have been giving them each a lump of shrimp every so often. They have been giving eachother a distance lately. On another note, my cow fish took a big poop today right in front of me while feeding. The "turd" was reddish and about as long...
  2. W

    Mandarin Goby Blenny Compatible

    I have a seperate question, but related. I have a mandarin and was thinking about a lawnmower blenny. My question is will the blenny benefit the aquarium enviromentally? I mean really to ask what does it eat?
  3. W

    I am brand new and armed with a 100 gallon FOWLR

    I am happy to say my cowfish has started eating. He ate some brne shrimp enriched with vitamins and some regular shrimp, but he has ignored his seaweed and peas thus far. Maybe he just doesn't like his vegetables, I can relate. My mandarin has started to come out more and appears to be...
  4. W

    my new fish

    I saw the mandarin today, just his head. I put some live brine shrimp in the tank today also. The cowfish still hasn't eaten but thats normal so far, I expect him to start soon. I'll keep posting about the mandarin and how hes doing. I am going to try to populate the tank artificially with...
  5. W

    my new fish

    Well the mandarin is still MIA for the time being. On another note one of my coral banded shrimp already molted, but he appears to have lost a claw in the process. It looks like it stayed in his old skin. Will they grow back? He seems to be okay other than the lost extremity...
  6. W

    my new fish

    I am aware of the fact that the mandarin goby eats pods, and i am working on this issue now. I have some harvested pods on order and may try to make a rubble pile. Hopefully he will eat brine and it won't turn into a big project. When I ordered the mandarin the website listed his diet as...
  7. W

    my new fish

    My first tank just got 7 new inhabitants, 2 large (3") coral banded shrimp, 3 turbo snails, a tiny 1" cowfish and a mandarin goby. Now I'm new and just want to make sure its okay that I have not seen my mandarin since the split second i saw his body go from the plastic bag into the tank...
  8. W

    I am brand new and armed with a 100 gallon FOWLR

    Also, I do have 50lbs of live rock for bio filtering as well as the canister bio filtering. I have this set up in advance to be prepared for a heavier fish load. Not that I will overstock but cowfish as well as eels (may get a snowflake) have extra "bio" loads themselves compared to your...
  9. W

    I am brand new and armed with a 100 gallon FOWLR

    I do have a protein filter already. What do angels eat? I would be worried they might compete with the cowfish during feedings, and in that case the cowfish will lose to the faster fish. Also, I have heard that a water pump (like that in my canister) can be damaged if the intake is...
  10. W

    I am brand new and armed with a 100 gallon FOWLR

    Well I'm going for a nonaggresive FOWLR since it is going to be revolving around the longhorn cowfish witch eats corals. I have heard of success putting a small porcupine puffer with the cow and I plan on trying that with the back up plan of returning the puffer. I want to get a couple...
  11. W

    I am brand new and armed with a 100 gallon FOWLR

    My tank has been up for about a month and a half with 50 lbs of live rock and 50 lbs of dead coral. A week ago I put a green Chromie in the tank as sort of a "test fish" and he is eating and hiding. Not the most friendly fish I'ver ever seen. My water tests have shown great numbers so far. I...