Bright orange branches growing from live rock.

Greasy Joe Bick

Reefing newb
Hi guys, been a while since I have posted, but i'll be updating my showcase thread a little later.

Need help identifying these bright orange branches. They have been growing really slowly over the last month.


Anything cool or is it harmful? I tried to google search, but came up empty.
i'll get better pics with my rebel in a sec...first one was with my phone...I know that kind of macro you guys are referring to and it doesn't seem like that. I had some and it just wouldn't stay alive in my tank. it all died off.

It looks thicker than the red macro pictured above. not as stringy, has more beef at the base.
My best guess is still halymenia...

Ahh i see, my name should be Noob. lol, This is the first time I've seen the big, flat, leafy, halymenia. I thought it only grew like the red stringy stuff in the first example pic. Thanks.

Comparing red tree sponge pics and leafy halymenia, i agree, It looks like halymenia at this point. Either way, they are both safe and that was my main concern. Thanks everyone.

If it starts favoring red tree sponge when it matures, i'll update.