Cleaner wrasse?


Sausage Wrangler
Does anyone have one? I'd like to get one for my tank.... Really, I wanted to get the skunk cleaner shrimp, but I don't think it would go over too well with the trigger.
My coral beauty keeps swimming up to my sleeper goby and trying to get a cleaning. Then when I put peppermints in during the week he tried to get a cleaning from them, too...
I just wanted to see if anyone has any experience with them... The guy at the LFS said they're voracious eaters. If that's the only special care they need, I got that handled.
They have very poor survival rates in captivity. They only eat fish parasites, so they usually starve quickly, unless they are at an LFS where there's a constant influx of new fish.

You should go with the cleaner goby instead. They look very similar, the do the same thing, they just eat other stuff too.