Emerald Crab Vanished


Reef enthusiast
I put an emerald crab in my tank a week before July 4th, he vanished a week later and I've never seen him since. I know you can't really answer the question but any guesses or similar experiences are appreciated.

I looked in the rocks carefully with a very powerful flashlight for many days in a row. I looked at night for him. I looked under a few rocks for him. And yes I asked if anyone in my house had a crab dinner. but nada, zip.
When I first got mine I did not see them for weeks on end and I thought that they ended up being a snack, I have found both of them. They hide very well. Did you check in the holes in the rock. Is there anything that would eat them?
I have a emerald crab whom is a pretty decent size. I've gone weeks without seeing him. Mine blends with the rock so it easy to overlook him.
I had 4 emerald crabs in my tank when I set it up. I didn't see any of them for 8 months. Then one night looking very carefully with a flashlight, I found 2 of them. They can be sneaky.