Filter Socks


Reefer Madness
I was wondering how many of you use filter socks in your sumps. I have heard good and bad things about using them.
I use them. Whats the bad side of them? Only last two or three times after wash, but only like for a week. I like that they make my sump not sound load.
Well I change my bag every time they time they start to over fill with water. I have not seen any negative's other then what the cost of the bags are.
I have like 6 pair. I change them out with every water change, or if they begin to over flow. Just turn them inside out and wash with vinegar , let air dry, and use em again. I have one pair that is got to be 5 years old.
I use them also...they aren't trapping enough organisms to make a difference. I keep mine in there until it starts to overflow too.