fresh 50gal corner to reef


Reefing newb

I need some ideas for a fresh to reef & fish with sump, any suggestions, ideas, no matter how wild, however difficult/interesting!! How would you do it??

Since the supplies needed will be roughly half of what it would cost to stock my 90 gallon, Im renting it to my wifes *caugh* goldfish.. And turning the 50 gallon corner tank into a reef & fishes with 10 gallon sump..

This will be my first salty, but Im a fast learner, and definitly dedicated.. And apparently patient, Ive been in planning for months, and I cant get past planning!! So many awesome changes, I hope to from everyone to hear some fresh ideas, and maybe a few to comfirm what I think I should incorperate..

Mild to wild, let the flood of pictures commence!!

((Sorry about my pictures being sideways, I could not figure out how to turn them on my phone..))
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as far as equipment for your tank you will want the sump, return pump, protein skimmer cearculation pumps (for in the tank) light, and some media for benifitil bacteria (only if you don't have live sand and rocks

P.S I am very sorry about my spelling.
So all the goldfish have passed away..

Cleaned out everything, and starting the conversion..

Made my own diy overflows from a diy youtube video
Now I'm working on fitting the refugium under the stand..
Now onto plumbing display to skimmer to refugium..
Decided to make a tank topper.. should I duel postthis in diy??

Also wondering Ii anyone knows how to Stain the plastic trim on aquariums..

Should I even run the hob filter?? I'm going to hqve 3ish inch sand bed with 90-120lbs of live rock.. and a refugium with live sand, rock, and cheato..
Thank all of you for your info!!
Should I even run the hob filter?? I'm going to hqve 3ish inch sand bed with 90-120lbs of live rock.. and a refugium with live sand, rock, and cheato..
Thank all of you for your info!!
If you want mechanical filtration, use filtre bags and clean them once a week. I have never used an external filtre for a reef aquarium. Your biological filtration will take place in the rock, sand and algaes.
Ok, so maybe not.. but converted to my hob overflow..??

In my case I am working on how to get it to still skim off the surface water.. maybe a overflow box, which will also serve as a siphon break, and prevent overflowing the refugium..

I'm still stuck with the delimma of matching the hob filter flow, and my return pump flow..

My next question would then be, does valving down your return pump shorten its lifespan, and ways to avoid using valves on return lines??
I'm not sure of the way it was done in the video, my design might not use a bulkhead since its all plastic parts I can heat it and make sure I have a good seal..

Running tap water, testing systems.. dreaming up ato.. etc..

**hob filter/overflow on hold until I can adjust flow to display water line, was draining faster than my return pump.. using 1" line with a ball valve..
Does anyone know if they make float switches for 1" line??

G'Night/Mornin Living Reef!!