Turbo Twist UV Sterilizer


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
I am sure there are plenty of people who have never had an issue with this product but here is mine so far.

I connected it using zip ties and those metal bands that you tighten with a screwdriver(not the side in the water) and it leaked.

I taped and retaped and both attachments that screw on the inlet and outlet to reduce for the size of hose you want to use cracked during hand tightening.

I have had to clean up tons of water due to leaks that just start.

Last night I just happened to wake up(thankfully) and found like a gallon of water on my tile floor and man it was a lot. The unit was leaking where it had not for 2 days. It ran fine and then started leaking at the inlet.

I have emailed the company and have heard nothing for about 4 or 5 days already.

I am sick and tied of hooking it up to my water pump only to have to unhook it to fix a leak. I have my pump turned down below the max 200GPD it can handle.

My pump is a quiet one that does like 220 max and it is halfway down. Even at full it should handle it since it has to pump the water back up 1 foot to the tanks rim.

I am about to bounce this thing off the wall. I am 110% happy I didn't try to install this in-line. I mean I couldn't anyway due to the GPD limit but still.

Here is one thing I want to say about the only thing that has seemed to work so far but so have others for 2 days.

You can either go with the large fitting or screw on a reducer for smaller hose.

Well I have a large hose on the outlet and it fits tight and has 2 straps and hasn't leaked. I will explain the way it stack ups from the outlet.

Outlet with larger hose about 6 inches long. I inserted the smaller hose into the larger hose and sealed it with epoxy. This is so the smaller hose can plug into the rig I invented from parts from Lowes. I am attaching a drawing of what it looks like so you can get a better idea.

On the left is the successful connection - the right side just points out where the leak is. At the threads no matter what I put, tape or whatever it leaks. The left side seems to be a fix.

The box on the top shows how the water gets to the UV Sterilizer and back the the tank. There are 2 black plastic connector and the screw together and fit the small hose eliminating the need to bend the hose.

Plus it gives it a nice straight down entry. That is my technical illustration I whipped up real quick. I will take pix later when I fix this piece of crap tonight. I will just be worried 24/7 this will eventually leak.

I would rather have it contained in a box that mounts on back above the tank so any leaks just fall back into the tank.


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Probably not after both of those reducers cracked in my hand. The epoxy set up is pretty nice except it looks cheap but you can't see it. I'll post some pix.

I am assuming I should black tape the large hose since it is clear and light is shinning in it from the tank.
I've had several of these units, and nver once had an issue. The one I have now is fed via a Mag 9.5. If it was me, I'd have pulled it out and taken it back as soon as the leaks and cracks started.
I use a Mag 9.5 for my main return and it pumps way too much according to this units specs. It says no more more than 200GPH I think and my Mag is pumping about 750GPH since I have it turned down via valve. My bulkhead only does 600GPH so whatever.

The first reducer head snapped off when I went to pull off the hose. I will see about returning it or something.
I had a maxijet 1200 running mine. When I ran it. Which wasn't often.
I eventually sold it. It didn't seem to do anything.
I suppose it is just helpful to keep your fish from getting sick or whatever they say. I mean it is just a bacteria killer I suppose.

I am sure you have read what it is supposed to do, whether it does anything who knows.

I got it because I figured it would just add to my filter system and I have read people who say it helped clean up their algae problems and made their water much more clear.

I will see what is up with that.

I also couldn't fit my vac in the sump to get that gray stuff out of the first chamber.
Am I reading thit right? Is it rated at 200 Gallons per Day? You have 200 GPD typed. If so, you are using a pump that is rated for 220 GPH(I am assuming this since most pumps are rated in GPH not GPD). Which is over 5000 gallons per day. So even if the pump is turned half way down, you are pushing over 10 times its rated flow through it.

But I am thinking that you have a typo, and you ment to type the UV was rated at 200 GPH. Just wanted to get some clarification on that.
Ok so I called the number for the warranty in the back of the manual and the number was disconnected.

So I called Pet Solutions where I got it and they were really nice like usual and gave me the companies name and number. I know it comes from Coralife but the actual name is not that.

She also said if they can't help to call back and talk the the tech guy there.

The unit works I just need the broken connections. I mean one of the connection broke off when all I was doing was taking off the tube. It was like rotted from the saltwater.
They have a really good customer service dept. I've dealt with them in the past on a dual timer that had quit working twice on me. They ended up sending me two digital timers free and no exchange for the dual.
Ok well as nice as Brian and Rob are over there man they NEVER EVER answer the phone.

I have called there probably 10 times over the last week and not one time did they ever pick up. I have to always leave a voice mail.

They sent me a totally new gasket set and 2 new reducers. 2 day to boot.

Now it only has a drop every 5 minutes leaks at the base near the body.

I finally realized you have to turn the black plastic ring looking part counter clockwise to squeeze the hose shut.

If I have only known before I may not have had all the problems and clean up.

I lost so much water that my salinity is low because I was topping with RO/DI all this time.

A long line of things to make you mad.:)
Man, that sucks, sorry you are having such a horrible experience with them. Like I said, I've talked to them, and they were way more than accomidating for me. Maybe the times are a changing?

They just called back and are sending me a whole new body for the unit!!!


I didn't mean to suggest they may be nice but not to me, I meant they have been awesome to me but never answer the phone.

Probably just so they can screen the crazies.

No the service over there has been great.

Let me clear that up here and now :)

They had 2 day mailed me 2 new reducer ends/nipples and a whole new gasket kit. They sent me the 2 black rubber seals that go under the reducer before you thread them on as well. I never saw them in the box when I got it.

That worked except the leak I still had that leak I mentioned right at the body as if the water was passing right through the rubber grommet cone shaped thing.

SO I think the threads on the body got smashed a little during all the on and off of parts and so on. They don't look as crisp as the non-leaking side. They both had tape as well.

I am 110% confident the new part will end this once and for all and I think that they have been really great about it.

I mean they have no sent everything but the bulb if you count it up.