What should I do with my Phytoplankton?


Phish Head
I was going to put some pods in a seperate small container and feed them in there. So how do I keep my plankton fresh? The fridge? How long do they live and how much should I feed?
Geez impatient much!! ;)

It will keep for quite a while in your fridge. Did you buy live? If it's not live, then it will last even longer.

What brand did you get? There should be directions on the bottle (so many drops per gallon).
Hahaha! You're funny.

It will keep for several weeks in the fridge. But you can tell when it starts to go bad -- it will STINK!!

A liter is a lot, though. A tank full of corals would have a hard time going through a liter before it goes bad, I think.
No thanks :( I know a guy that cultivates it locally. He has a big tub of it brewing and bottles it up and sells it for really cheap to anyone that needs some. But thanks for the offer!!