Kizmar's 120 gal


I'm copy and pasting my "introduction" post here since most of what I put there will belong in my post in this forum too. :)

As of this weekend (12/9/2011) I'll have about 70 pounds of live rock cycling in the tank for about a week.

Here's the laundry list of what I've gotten for this tank so far:



Welcome! Your setup looks great so far, are you planning on running it bare bottom?

Nope, in fact I was just about to post a picture with more liverock and some sand in it. Still piecing everything together while it cycles.

I should start taking pictures with the blue LED's off, it really messes with my iPhone camera. The picture in the upper-left here is with blues off.

Another full picture of my tank with the current LR landscaping... (this was right before the algae and cloudiness started)
I think that little starfish you have is an asterina. From what I read there seem to be mixed reviews on whether they eat your zoas/polyps or not however it seems like most people lean towards they do. If you are going to have anything like that in your tank in the future, I would eradicate the asterinas first. They are tiny hitch hikers on your rocks so I dont think you could really have seen them coming however the only two methods I know of for removal is manually pick them out every time you see one or get a harlequin shrimp to eat them....unless you see a lot though I would just manually remove them for now.
Asterinas seem to be another one of those things (like bristleworms) that are a grey area when it comes to how safe they are.

My goal is to have some thing (or things) in the tank that will eat both of those to keep their numbers to a minimum.

On another note... I just got my Nutrafin Master Test Kit in the mail and tested a few things:
  • Nitrites = 0 (clear sample)
  • Nitrates = 0 (clear sample)
  • Ammonia= 0-0.1 (light yellow sample)
  • pH = between 8.2 and 8.3 (hard to tell which color it was)

It appears that my tank has finished cycling (as far as those tests are concerned). Pretty geeked. :mrgreen:
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Yea I loved mine too before it got in a fight with my purple and Orange lobster and then got sick and died. I'm not willing to drop another hundred dollars to have that happen again but he really was my most fav. Fish....
Current enhabitants:
  • Corals (1" frags):
    • Green Apple Cap (Pavona maldivensis)
    • Green Fluorescent Mushroom (Actinodiscus sp.)
    • Red Mushroom (Actinodiscus sp.)
    • Green Lavender Mushroom (Rhodactis sp.)
    • White Lavender Mushroom (Rhodactis sp.)
    • Colony Polyp, Orange/Green (Zoanthus sp.)
    • Colony Polyp, Maroon/Red (Zoanthus sp.)
  • Inverts:
    • Blood Shrimp
    • 4 x Emerald Crab
    • Longspine Urchin, Black
    • Blue Tuxedo Urchin
    • 3 x Fighting Conchs (awesome snails!)
    • 3 x ...don't know what they're called but I call them scuba snails, cause they bury themselves in the sand and all you see is a dark snorkel sticking out
    • 2 x Turbo snails
    • 4 x other random snails
  • Fish:
    • 2 x Firefish
    • Blue Dot Jawfish