Recent content by big G

  1. B

    green hair algae

    nitrite 0 nitrate 0 phosphate 0 ammonia 0 calcium 450-500 carbonate 7-8 as far as corals only about 20% mostly all my leathers with the exception of two. the ones that are looking bad are in one general area but were fine a few weeks ago, and i have not changed the flow. as far as the light...
  2. B

    green hair algae

    perimeters are all good phos and all just checked everything a few days ago. stray voltage? good possibility as i got rid of one of my maxi jets about six months ago and got a koralia because the maxi was putting out a bunch of stray voltage. maybe the one maxi i have left is starting to fail...
  3. B

    green hair algae

    So over the last two months i have been getting small green hair algae blooms about the size of a fifty cent piece. it is definately starting to become annoying. does any one know what might be the cause, and is there any critters that will clear it out. All my perimeters are in check the only...
  4. B

    coraline algae

    appreciate the input. ya its been happnin for a while but is keeps growing so now I can rest a little easier. I have done fish only for so long, but reef for a few years now, and ya its quite the learning experience.
  5. B

    coraline algae

    Hello, i am new to the sight looking forward to being a member. So I finally got a bunch of coraline algae coming in but a lot of it is starting to turn white around the edges. Can anybody tell me why this is happening?