Recent content by charlieoneseven

  1. charlieoneseven

    Horseshoe Crab & Flame Scallop?

    I don't know what you've seen but the oyster feast looks like semen its about as fine as I've seen, I put a few drops on a high rock and my arrow crab ate it like candy before it desepated into the water that must be when some use the controllers to turn off pumps for spot feeding stuff like...
  2. charlieoneseven

    anemone emergency! please help me asap!

    I think it will be alright there they might prefer low light. Will you be alright though?
  3. charlieoneseven

    CUC ideas?!

    All of my nass' have shells about an inch long in fiji pink sand the superfine stuff maybe that helps them pop but the guy bagged one empty shell when I got home it was obvious under the lights so when I took it back I got more they have special pricing at the LFS 10 for 20. My abalones are tiny...
  4. charlieoneseven

    anemone emergency! please help me asap!

    If you can't reach it now maybe you can point one of the power heads closer to it's foot to get it to detach without harming it.
  5. charlieoneseven

    Horseshoe Crab & Flame Scallop?

    Has anyone been able to keep scallops alive, If so what's your trick?
  6. charlieoneseven

    Found starfish

    they leg should grow back if it has enough to eat.
  7. charlieoneseven

    CUC ideas?!

    Have the Nassarius Snails popped out when you put food in yet? I think that is the coolest thing to watch they jump out like commandos in an ambush with just their snorkels sticking out of the sand otherwise in my tank then at least 1 climbs the glass and leaves sandy snail tracks on the just...
  8. charlieoneseven

    Nano reef 16

    The CUC seems to be getting along well, now to get the timers at the right amount of hours. It is hard to find the best for the algae based coral without causing a bloom everywhere else. :bowdown:
  9. charlieoneseven

    Nano reef 16

    Does it look like I have algae issues?
  10. charlieoneseven

    Nano reef 16

    +1 everyone the tank is really perking up and I keep the glass clean on 3 sides with the smallest magnet cleaner. Also got a 3w UV unit for the tank just need some elbows to make it fit without kinking the hose. Since the tank is new so are the lights and that should answer your next question on...
  11. charlieoneseven

    Nano reef 16

    Added an arrow crab today the guy says they eat flat and bristle worms. What does CUC stand for?
  12. charlieoneseven

    Nano reef 16

    The tang is a juvenile just over an inch long and the only fish. Was everyone thinking it was an adult? I should've posted a pic first. The algae is not out of control but the lights have been running 10 hours. Since its a new.tank and I'm new to using LED's its going to take some adjustment...
  13. charlieoneseven

    Plugs fuggh

    It's good to hear the solutions for the plugs are a hardware store away. Thanks for reminding me of getting rid of flatworm, bristle worm, ich have always been a salt aquarium biggest problem. What is the latest method used? Trying to just grab them can be tricky. The tang is a juvenal just an...
  14. charlieoneseven

    Nano reef 16

    Thanks everyone for the advice, A larger tank 100+ is in my future the tang can be the first to go in it after it cycles too. He is on algae control for now. This tank cycled in 10 days that's when I added the shrimp and fish.
  15. charlieoneseven

    Nano reef 16

    A couple more pictures. First day after the silt settled.