Recent content by CMOS

  1. CMOS

    Help, some type of vegetation taking over!

    I have twin 32W PC's (Power Compacts 420/460) and a single 175 W 10K MH. I have dual timer system that controls the PC at 12 hrs a day and for now, the MH at ONLY 5 hrs a day, due to the increased vegetation growth. Basically I am trying to starve the vegetation a bit. Both bulb types are...
  2. CMOS

    Help, some type of vegetation taking over!

    Yote, I just did a test: tested the water right out of my mixing barrel (50 gal Rubbermaid Brute food grade) to see how it stacks up before it ever gets into the tank. Based on the API color chart for Phospahtes, it looks exactly like the same color as what my tank tested. This doesn't make...
  3. CMOS

    Help, some type of vegetation taking over!

    What a disaster. I spent some time today TRYING to remove as much of this stuff as possible, which was pretty much futile as the strands (or runners) are so tiny and thin that they break when I try to get the with my fingers. I ended up tossing about 15 pounds of live rock that was basically...
  4. CMOS

    Help, some type of vegetation taking over!

    Thanks. I'll start to remove and also step up the water changes. CMOS
  5. CMOS

    Help, some type of vegetation taking over!

    Nitrates were at 0. Phos was a little high at about .10 (or as close as I can guess with my test kit). CMOS
  6. CMOS

    Help, some type of vegetation taking over!

    That's quite a list. I do admit that I have been behind on water changes. I'm ahead of schedule now, and will continue to accelerate these WC's for the near future. My water is from a 5-stage RO-DI system so I'm good there. If I keep the phospahtes down with more WC's, will the vegetation...
  7. CMOS

    Help, some type of vegetation taking over!

    My problem looks different. CMOS
  8. CMOS

    Help, some type of vegetation taking over!

    Take a look at the back glass just above the rock - you'll see runners going up the glass. There may be a little hair algae but most of it is this other type. Darn stuff is growing from one rock to another. ??? Waddi - image link works for me. CMOS
  9. CMOS

    Help, some type of vegetation taking over!

    Howdy All, I'm having some serious issues with some type of vegetation that I think came in on a Green Star Polyp rock that I bought a while back. See pic below. This does not seem to be hairy algae, but rather some type of vegetation that has many small runners and has "leaves" that look...
  10. CMOS

    Do y'all suggest adding Copepods to refugium and tank?

    Howdy All, I've been reading quite a bit about this lately and can't seem to find any reason to NOT add some to both the refugium and tank. Thoughts? CMOS
  11. CMOS

    Peppermint and cleaner

    c23, Keep in mind that just before and during a molt the BCS will become AWOL. AND - you may see what you think is a dead shrimp, when it's really a perfectly shaped molt skeleton. Fooled me many times. :D CMOS
  12. CMOS

    New MH bulb not working - help

    Yes, the manufacturing tag on the ballast states, 120V, 8A, 216W. As I said, it's been working fine for over a year with the "old" bulb. BTW - I did notice that the new bulb has a rattling sound to it when lightly shaken. This disturbs me . . .:grumble: CMOS
  13. CMOS

    New MH bulb not working - help

    Howdy All, I just got a new 175W Ushio MH bulb for a routine replacement. When installed, the new bulb initially begins to fire, then dies out after about 20-30 seconds. The "old" bulb still works fine in the same socket. Is it more likely that this is a bulb issue or maybe an old capacitor...
  14. CMOS

    Peppermint and cleaner

    +1 I was glad to be able to snatch my Coral Banded one day and "turn him in". Mean b****rd. :mrgreen: From what I have read, if you have a really big tank where a CB can choose a territory, they tend to be a bit more agreeable. CMOS
  15. CMOS

    Fish in the Overflow box - any tricks to gettimg him out?

    Success! I got 2 small nets and rigged 12" extensions to them. Basically chased him from one end of the OFB to the other and and was able to get him. Whew! :Cheers: Thanks for the suggestion. Might need that next time. CMOS