Recent content by Invisible

  1. Invisible

    10g Office Nano Upgrade

    Hard to tell, could it be Halimedia algae?
  2. Invisible

    Lots of questions.

    My new top off tank. It will be placed beside the Aquarium.
  3. Invisible

    Lots of questions.

  4. Invisible

    10g Office Nano Upgrade

    I really like the magnet idea myself. That's a great idea. As far as doors go, I would make a simple framed square, and get a piece of smoked acrylic for the middle. Would look sweet.
  5. Invisible

    10g Office Nano Upgrade

    Stand is starting to look really nice.
  6. Invisible

    Hello just showing my fish for all.

    Nice looking fish. They look happy.
  7. Invisible

    Lots of questions.

    Going with 2 150w metal halides. I'm still collecting parts for the build. I just got my Hydor ATO today. Still trying to determine a what pump to use. Might go with a DC pump for the adj. flow.
  8. Invisible

    Lots of questions.

    So, I'm going with the bean animal overflow. I used 3/4 pvc pipe. Just wondering how I determine what the flow rate should be for my return pump. Any help would be awesome!
  9. Invisible

    HELP!! What is this

    They are bristle worms. No need to worry.
  10. Invisible

    White Starfish invasion

    Is it a astrea starfish?
  11. Invisible

    Preventing canopy and stand mold.

    Kilz works to make mold on stuff paintable. The best thing you can do is add a computer fan or 2 to help air exchange. If it can't breath it will mold. I found out the hard way. Made a new one with a fan on one side and an exit plate on the other end. Good luck.
  12. Invisible

    Lots of questions.

    Here is the start, spend the last 3 days putting most of it together. The strips of paper on the back are for the overflow. I want to paint it first then add the overflow. I will add a center brace. Still trying to figure out what I want it to look like.
  13. Invisible

    Lots of questions.

    Took long enough to get my acrylic, but it's finally here. So, I am going with the bean animal overflow. I am going putting the overflow on the outside back of the aquarium. My next tough question is how long do I make the teeth? 1" I should say that the overflow is 1 foot wide. What would you do?
  14. Invisible

    Lots of questions.

    I have a bean animal question, Do you have to use sanitary wye fittings, or can I use a standard T fittings?
  15. Invisible


    Welcome James hope you like it here.