Recent content by Junebug0268

  1. J

    Junebug's 29 Gal

    New additions:
  2. J

    First saltwater fish tank.

    Your tank is beautiful!
  3. J

    Junebug's 29 Gal

    I have fish! I went with a pair of clowns - so cute :) A little blurry, sorry:
  4. J

    Junebug's 29 Gal

    Thanks everyone! I am taking it slow, even though it's hard to have patience, lol. I've been reading all of your posts and taking your advice along the way. This board has been very helpful.
  5. J

    Junebug's 29 Gal

    My 1st tank. It's gone through the cycle, and I've got my cleaning crew in there. No fish yet, but I'm going to start with clownfish in a week or so. Before Cycle: After Cycle: