Recent content by KISSfn

  1. KISSfn

    Stumbled on this over at Advanced Aquarist

    Update: It appears the honeymoon is over! Seneye device can't accurately measure pH to save it's life! The guys at Seneye are nice and they try to help but.... As of today, my opinion is Seneye rushed their product to market and anyone who buys one for around $218 U.S. is a beta tester!
  2. KISSfn

    New Setup Help

    Hello everyone! I have a 50 gallon freshwater tropical tank. The reason I'm here is because I want to learn all I can about FOWLR. My friend is converting his 20 gallon to saltwater. His wife wants clownfish thanks to "Finding Nemo". We both started our freshwater tanks around the same time. I...
  3. KISSfn

    Stumbled on this over at Advanced Aquarist

    Hello everyone! I have a Seneye Reef version (has more features, my tank is freshwater). It comes with one 30 day consumable slide and 1 month of Seneye +. With a subscription to Seneye + ($30 for 3 additional 30 day slides) you also get email and SMS alerts and web access (smartphone also) to...