Recent content by luvnlife

  1. L

    Anything compatable with a 3spot Damsel?

    Guess I asked for that - Thanks!
  2. L

    Anything compatable with a 3spot Damsel?

    Ah Ha! The photo clears it up for me! What did you use for bait?
  3. L

    Anything compatable with a 3spot Damsel?

    That's too funny! Love the ideas people, keep them coming - something is bound to work!
  4. L

    Anything compatable with a 3spot Damsel?

    Really! But that doesn't make sense to my pea brain - can you be a bit more spceific. Doesn't it need holes? Does it need to be one of those bottles with the black bottom on it? I'd like to give it a try!!!
  5. L

    Anything compatable with a 3spot Damsel?

    It's not worth the $45 for a trap. Thanks anyway.
  6. L

    Anything compatable with a 3spot Damsel?

    Yeah right! Have you ever tried catching a Damsel - Guess I'll just wait for it to "kick it" on it's own. How long do they live? :death:
  7. L

    Anything compatable with a 3spot Damsel?

    My 90 gal. tank is fairly empty now because of a couple Domino Damsels I bought. I'm now down to 1 Domino and 1 Spotted Blenny with a couple cleaner shrimp. I am waiting for this last Domino to die but he's like the energizer bunny - keeps going. Is there anything I could put in my tank fish...