Recent content by sir_puffs_nots_alot

  1. S

    Porcupine puffer with ich

    My porcupine puffer seems to have recovered from the ick but his left eye is very looks like he has a large cataract in that eye. Will his eye go back to normal or has he just lost it? He is eating well and the spots are gone now. I still have him in QT. Is there anyting that I...
  2. S

    Porcupine puffer with ich

    He is about 2 or 3 inches.....i have tried the garlic but not working....i only see 1 spot on one fin. Today he had a discolored spot on his just showed up today
  3. S

    Porcupine puffer with ich

    I just bought my porcupine puffer fish (fell in love with him) and he developed ich within 48 hours..I QT him in a 10 gallon bare aquarium. I have raised the temp and lowered the salinity. I am doing water changes daily (approx 50%) At first he would not eat then he ate for 2 days but he is...