Recent content by spikegillen

  1. spikegillen

    Peppermint shrimp

    I put 2 peppermint shrimp and 2 cleaners in about a month ago. one of the peppermints disappeared after the first day, never saw a body or anything. But I still have the other 3 and the peppermint loves to hide, I only see him every once in a while.
  2. spikegillen

    mixed reef

    Looks great!
  3. spikegillen

    Lighting and corals questions

    I'm curiouse if anyone has ever had an algae issue using moon lights? I currently use 2 48" strips of T5's with 2 actinic blues and 2 white lights. I have the blues on for about 8 hours total and the whites on for about 6 total with a total of 8 hours of light. one of my fixtures has blue LED...
  4. spikegillen

    Spikegillen's reef progress

    Thanks. I just got a 6 line wrasse and a frogspawn frag today.Pics to come soon. This hobby is VERY addicting.
  5. spikegillen

    Spikegillen's reef progress

    My reef tank as of today. I have gotten ride of the Damsels and put some new rock in. I currently have 1 blue hippo tang and 2 clown fish.
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  10. spikegillen

    Spikegillen's reef progress

    The slow evolution
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  14. spikegillen

    Spikegillen's reef progress

    Here is the very first pic.
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