New Frag...What Is It?

Smitty I was going to post early today with that same answer, but I didn't because I didn't want to be wrong! The polyps looked too long to me for clove polyps. Oh well. I'm like 0 for 1,000. :(
Cool! Thanks guys! I'm such a n00b

Me at LFS: "Gee that looks cool, and I can smell money burning a hole in my pocket!"

Anything special to care for or lighting needs? I have it in about 60% total brightness of my I need to get it brighter conditions over the next few weeks or will it be ok? Still feed it filter foods? Do I need to turkey baste it or just dump in the water like I do with my star polyps?
+1 James

Actually,That being a Clove polyp,its in the same family as xenia and anthelia.But is actually a species of anthelia.