The Perkins Family 50 Gallon Tank


Reefing newb
Here is our family project in all it's glory.....


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Looks good. How long has it been running? It really doesn't look like it's ready for SPS corals.....porites/Christmas Tree worms. What kind of lighting do you have?

And a 3' tank (assuming it's a 36"x18"x18" breeder) is way too small for any tang.
Your tank looks very nice. I would cover your intake for your HOB filter. If your anemones start to wonder around they can get stuck (killed) in your intake pipe. :)
I have a feeling I got hosed by the person I bought this "3 year old" tank from. Not only did I not get enough rock with it, the tang I got with it shouldn't even be in there. I'm going to upgrade asap. May have to donate some life. Brutal start, but I'm learning like crazy.....
My rock is not 3 years old, or it's dead..... any suggestions? I feel like I rescued my tank more than bought it now.

Haha, don't feel bad. Most of seem to start in this hobby by either A) "rescuing" a set up that we know nothing about, or B) starting a new set up that we know nothing about.

It's true that the tang is not only too large of a fish for a tank that size, but its metabolism is too high and it requires too much oxygen (and swimming space) that a short tank can provide. It will outgrow it eventually.

As for the animals in your tank, you have a lot of "expert only" animals, such as the Christmas tree worms and anemones. They are really difficult to keep alive. If they have done well so far, then good job. But they definitely aren't animals that I'd recommend someone new to the hobby try their hand at.

The good news is, that everything in your tank looks healthy. Yes, your rock looks "dead" but that will be fixed in no time, as your tank matures.
I have a suggestion too, get rid of that background and go with a plain blue... it'll make everything stand out more :)
Will the fish be as comfortable with a plain background? Our royal gramma wouldn;t come out and then when we put the background on, he came out. Is this related? We originally considered ocean blue for a background, but thought the seacsape might be better.

Thanks for the feedback!

It does look a bit tacky.....
lol i think i have the same back ground, nice thing about those they are easy to change when you feel like it.
i would just get a nice blue, the one i have on my background is a small finding nemo one thats just the ocean area, it gives it a bit of deminsion but it doesnt completely stand out ya know
jrock, the tank looks really nice, you've done well so far, just keep learning, we all are, this stuff just takes tiiiiimmmmmmeeee, and lots of it..
Looks good man! Hang in there! The good news is that if you are looking to upgrade, the Tank is the least Expensive component (or at least I have found). And HOLY ANEMONE Batman! I love those!
Also something to consider. When your rocks color up some and your corals start growing that background will blend a lot more. I sticks out right now, but won't as much later. Your on the right track. Looks good.