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  1. M

    Proclear Skimmer Problem?

    There is no air pump attached. The pump sucks in the air by itself. Should I have a pump? My last model was a countercurrent one, and I had to have one for it.
  2. M

    Proclear Skimmer Problem?

    I purchased a proclear model MPS 250 in-sump skimmer for my saltwater aquarium. (210 gal fowlr, 25gal sump plus a refugium) It was operating fine until two days ago and stopped producing a lot of bubbles. Just a small amount are coming out and they are not enough to get up to the collection cup...
  3. M

    Simple Sump

    I buile my entire filtration out of rubbermaid containers. Works great. Just be aware that I have not put my heaters in it because I am not sure if they could handle them both. I put them in my overflow.
  4. M

    UV sterilization

    How do you get to these articles you spoke about?
  5. M

    UV sterilization

    I have been reading up on UV sterilizers lately, and have come to a conclusion. No one has the same opinion. Some people use them, others think they could be a waste of money. Some use them all the time, while others put them on and off every so often. This is all too confusing. I guess my...