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  1. Debra

    Is this a feather worm?

    I think I will get AptaisaiX! Again thank you!
  2. Debra

    Is this a feather worm?

    Thank you all for the information. I read that I can inject them ( I noticed another one) with scalding hot water. I'm a nurse so I am equipped with syringes an needles. Do you agree with this plan of attack?
  3. Debra

    First day up and running

    I love how you set up your rock.
  4. Debra

    Is this a feather worm?

    Hello, I am new to the hobby. My tank is 5 months running and I noticed a "creature" that I originally thought to be alge. I touched the edges of it and it retracts. Please forgive me if I do not know all the lingo. I have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing so I have a well rounded education. I...