Search results

  1. V

    Coral Placement

    Thanks, Do you know of any good websites that show exactly what coral families and/or species can touch? Or even a website that will tell me what corals are hostile or not? I read about the coral that has the long sweeper tentacles and such; im looking for corals that can touch in general or...
  2. V

    Coral Placement

    thanks, so if its in the same general species i can keep it next to each other basically? I am saving up to get a new set of lights. as of right now i have a few polyps, 2 different types of mushrooms, and a kind of pink leather. i adopted my 55 gal from my mom. i wanted to set up a salt...
  3. V

    Coral Placement

    Thank you Wayne
  4. V

    Coral Placement

    i have been on wetweb already as well. I am reading some books, but the fact that coral aquariums are setup still touching. Can i have things touching, or is it only certain things can touch? i just want to get a quick opinion on how people setup there tanks, so i do not hurt any of my coral...
  5. V

    Coral Placement

    I have a 55gal aquarium set up currently with 4 different corals. My main question is for the aquarist who have been doing this for awhile. The fact that corals will attack other corals. When i place corals how do i know if they will sting other corals and such? I have seen corals that have...