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  1. R


    hi yote. the statement you make that you will be tickled to death if the nudie cleanes up the bryopsis is an oxymoron in that after the brio is gone the nudie will die, a life lost to get rid of a plant seems exsessive.
  2. R

    Sea Hare ?

    it will not live long in your tank sad to say!
  3. R

    Why is Linky herniating????

    your ph is to low for average sea life. bring it up to 8.3 slowly. maintaining ph is usually an ongoing prerequist to a healthy stable reef tank.
  4. R

    Why is Linky herniating????

    The red /blue linkia are best left in the sea. they are beautiful animals that do not survive in aquaria. it is sad that we rape the sea of so many animals just to bring them home to kill them. a lengthy pre buy inquirey would have saved you both the hardship you and the linkia are experiencing
  5. R

    is this a sponge?

    the sissel sponges such as the one you inquire about are good water cleaners, they move quite a lot of water thru their filtration system removing minute bits of food items that would otherwise pollute.
  6. R

    sea hare

    sea hares & other nudies are best left in the sea, if we stop buying them the will not be at our mercy. they all die in a short period of time in aquaria. (even in the dealers tanks)
  7. R

    Stupid Question

    YOU ARE RIGHT PIGGY NO SUCH THING AS A STUPID QUESTION. Ryan, what is your total water volumn? that looks like a huge water change amount. your total volumn would need to be around 400 gal if you are doing a 10% exchange at that rate,200 gal if it is a 20% exchange. the input you received about...