
Reefing newb
what can i house in my 125 gal with 8-80 t5's.iam very new and this might sound like a dumb question but i cant find it anywhere.
You will want to have reef safe fishes with corals.There are too many to really list but the short list is many tangs,clownfish,dartfish,anthias,blennies etc.You can keep all corals,clams and anemones as well,placement will be the key.Higher light demanding corals top half and lower light near the bottom.
How about if you do some searching at a site like www.liveaquaria.com and you can post links to the fish and corals that you are most interested in? That way we can give you feedback on our experiences with those animals.
ok.thanks but iam just getting started.i dont have my glass for my sump and i dont have any live rock yet either.they are on the way.i just cant wait to get this started.i look at your tanks on here and i get butterfly's.so thanks for the help it is well needed and i will get back to you guy-gals.when i get my stuff.thanks shawn
my lights are a retro brand.i bought them off of ebay.i am hopping that they will be alright.the guy has amazing feedback on his lighting.
Ye know.There IS people that will buy a little baggie of coralline to seed their tanks with

yea like me.

Then you are in luck my friend! Make me an offer!! ;)
