196 watt floresents

Yep, those will be good enough for a lot of corals, but not all corals. It will not be enough light for SPS, clams or anemones.
ok thanx, umm and sorry i dont know all of the terms what does lps mean :question: ohhh and i do have a clam but he is less than 3 inches from the surface of the light.
LPS = large polyp stony corals. Corals like frogspawn, hammer, torch, bubble, candy canes, trumpets, galaxea, blastos.

SPS = small polyp stony corals. The corals that look like tree branches or plate (acropora, montipora, etc).

If your clam is close to the top, it should be okay.
ok great thanx. ohh and yes i made shoure that he was REALLY close to the top for proper nutrition. and just wondering if i got a stony coral would it be ok if i put it at the top of the tank like the clam, or still not enoughf :question:
be nice to do like ricordea and zoos, yuma, lps coral like frogspawn, candy cane, maybe rose bubble tip anenome. those kind of corals are big sellers and for trade. i got alot of my coral just by trading zoos, everyone loves zoos and ricordea and when you grow a bunch you can trade for more coral. we do that in our club but if someone thinks your doin it to make a profit they get mad about that.
ur right i have most of those corals. AND SORRY I MADE A MESTAKE MY LIGHTS ARE 192WATT LIGHTS NOT 196WATT LIGHTS. just wondering how do u grow the coral and seel it. i know it grows but u can sell it too if it gets big enoughf
mushrooms and zoos split to make more than can cut or scrape a few off a rock and glue them to a frag plug and sell them or trade them. i just had a multi colored ricordea split into 2.
ok now i got yah thats not a bad idea, my green mushroom is spliting now it seems. i think im gona get a 75 gallon tank so i can keep mr yellow tang