50 gal shark

you could probably keep a baby shark altho its not reccomended for anything smaller than a 180. I currently only have an EGG case in my 20 because i was told by the aquarium staff to keep in it a place thats very well kept and setup. when it hatches i have a tank already set up and mature enough the handle it until it grows too much... Then he (or she) will be dontated to the Monterey Bay Aquarium in any tank I desire! :D thats why I'm doing it...

honestly though I wouldn't recommend a shark for anyone who doesn't have past experience working with them. I've been working with sharks (specificly the smaller species) for the last 7 years, this is my FIRST attempt to hatch one on my own but i do have TONS of help at my disposal.

if you do decide to get a shark please message me if you have any questions, i'll do my best to help you if you do go this route.