88 degrees

Hey Dennis, today is my B-Day and I got a gift card for the new Apple 4 phone! :bounce:
I'm very excited to get this thing! When you get yours we can try out the Face to Face calling.:^: we can show each other our tanks via the phone. How cool.

HA! That's awesome! I'm pre-ordering mine on monday. :D

I guess I'll be the ONLY living reefer to actually get to see your tank (somewhat) in person! :lol:
I have to admit those phones are pretty bad ass. I was reading about them online today and what a great tool that would be for my business. To bad the service plan is retarded expensive.
I've been trolling around in your other thread from time to time and noticed your post with the 88 deg link.

I too came home one day and noticed my tank temp had soared to 87 deg but lucky for me it was just the thermostat.... $75 fix :)

Hopefully all is well.