Acan adult heads not opening

I've had these acans for a while now, and until now they have been doing great. Now, however, the adult heads aren't opening, but the babies look fine. Has this ever happened to anyone? They are under 250w halides, towards the bottom of the tank, and as far as I know, nothing has picked at them. Still no sign of the skeleton. Water params:
NO3: 0
PO4: 0
pH: 8.2
Calc: 430
alk: 9
Mg: 1300
Mine was doing the same thing, that's cause my ph was a lil low. Another thing you should check is your temp, my corals like cooler temps around 74-78.
There are 2 250w halides over my 90.

That's what I was thinking, my temp has been a little high, but even now that it's back down they've been doing it. I'll just wait it out and see I guess, and now that I look again, the adult heads on a couple of them are extended a bit. I'll feed them tonight as well and hope that helps.