Another Damsel thread.


Reefing newb
I have in my tank at the moment, two clowns and a damsel. (yeah. i know.) I've read about ways to keep the damsel's territorial nature at a minimum when adding new fish. I have a while before I plan on adding another but was curious just the same.

If he proves to be a problem, of course I'll get rid of him and haul his bottom back to the LFS, but so far he seems pretty docile.

Granted the three fish are sharing a 55g tank so with all the rock in there I can't imagine there's TOO much territory for the three of them to fight over.

The damsel was the first one in which was a newbie mistake. listening to people to work at chain pet stores, petco, is probably not usually a good idea. They're just kids who happen to work there.

Anyway, with the introduction of the clowns, the damsel didn't seem to care much. He stayed hidden for a day or so then gradually came out to see them, though still seemed a bit timid.

Basically, this is the only reason I haven't already moved him out as I intended. All fish are different and some who are supposed to be meanies, sometimes just aren't. So I figured I would wait to see if he exhibits any aggressive behavior before I send him away.

But that's no reason not to take every precaution when adding potential new fish.

I've read a bit on breaking up the rocks a bit when adding new fish to a tank with a damsel in it to help break up his territory and keep things as peaceful as possible during a time that's already stressful for your new guy.

Anyone have any experience with this or other ways to keep damsels in check? Or suggestions even on how to set the rocks to begin with. I kind of just threw them in there in a fashion I thought looked good. But help on improving flow and reducing dead spots always helps. :)
I never had a damsel but have heard of taking it out for a couple days then re-introducing it and the new fish at the same time. That way the damsel doesnt have any territory and if the new fish is larger, it wont attack it.
Some damsels are rotten, some never cause any problems. My yellow tail is one of the most timid fish in my tank.

What kind of damsel is it? Some are meaner than others.
Blue damsels can be one of the meaner ones, in my experience. But maybe you got lucky and picked a nice guy.

What kind of new fish are you thinking of introducing? Did you already say, and I just missed it? If so, sorry.
No idea just yet actually. My next investment is sure to be more live rock and a few corals so the time frame is exceedingly large. Eventually, I would like a Flame Angel and a Tang of some sort (thinking either yellow, or kole), but who knows, my information is based on nothing more than "they look pretty" until the time comes to actually add a new fish :P

EDIT: meaning that I'll do more research when I actually feel like adding new fish. Not that I'll buy one first and research later. >_>
I was attracted to damsels when I first started looking at adding livestock to my tank, the colors are so great it's hard not to be drawn to the fish, but the more I read about them, I just stayed away. Who needs the drama of not knowing when you wake up in the morning if one of your favorite fish has been destroyed by your damsel. It's in their DNA to be aggressive, as others said you may get lucky, but you might not.
The first fish I got were 2 clowns and a yellow tailed blue damsel. The damsel was aggresive at first so I moved the rock around and that fixed him until I added a six line wrasse and then he just started going after everything he saw. I eventually trapped him and brought him back to the lfs.
I had a yellow tail damsel that was pretty mean once even though they are suppossed to be the tamer of them. I put him in the sump until all the other fish were established then I put him back in the tank. He had no choice but to find an empty spot and stay there. He seemed to be very well behaved from then on.
If the damsel decides to become a hell raiser,then theres not much thats gonna stop him short of being bannished from the tank.
But I'd say that if he's not already causing problems,then he probably aint going to.
Just dont hold me to that.:D