Baby ashley is finally here!


Reef enthusiast
Well april and I had our little girl at 2:45 tuesday afternoon. everything went well and we are home and resting. she was 4 pounds 15 ounces and 19 inches long. I would post pics but the gallery is not working here yet.
We accept gifts in the form of corals and cash! JK! :mrgreen:
I keep trying to explain that I have my reef tank, bryson has his own nano reef tank, so I really should set up another reef tank for ashley to be fair. april hasnt gone for it yet. :mrgreen:
LOL Congrats. I can't wait to see the pics. My wife is due very soon with our first boy, and he's already 8 pounds fron what the doc said. WOW 4 LBS how long was she in labor? My wife is going to try the water birth this time. I can hardly wait. LOL Well congrats on the new baby.
hey boby, well I guess its easy for me to say but the labor was pretty easy, we actually had to wait 30 minutes for our doctor to finish delivering at a different hospital, so we had to just keep aprils legs crossed! :mrgreen: but once the doctor got there april pushed about 4 times and ashley just fell out. by the way that isnt normal at all. it is our second baby so that helps, and she was only 4 pounds so that helps. she was estimated to be 34 weeks old. so yes she was early, our son was born at 36 weeks and he was 5 pounds.
if the ultra sounds are telling you 8 pounds by the measurements, the baby will probly be smaller when delivered.
YEA!!! She's here! Congrats bud!!! I have seen a pic na na na na na! (even though it wasnt sent to me cause i am not that much of a friend)

whatever dave, I didnt send you a pic cause I didnt think you really ever looked at your phone :mrgreen::mrgreen:
The second baby is not always easier than the first. I wish it only to 4 pushes and Dyaln was out. It took 4 hours for him to crown, just crown. He weighed 10lbs 10oz. And was 22 1/4 inches long. And face up. So that's why he was hard to have.
Anyways Congratulations Bryan...I want to have another little girl:( Jerm says no.
Well our fisrt was 8 ponds 12 ounces and the doc just said today he has grown more. WOW 4 pushes I hope its easy on my wife.
No congratz from me... Since I'm not good enough to even be invited over to see the little one.

BTW think I left something at your house.... <hint hint>


I'm not sure what that means at all just ignore me.

1st Club Drunkard.
Were you suggesting I send the margarita machine back? Man this was going to be one fun club meeting :( oh well...