

this is bat country
I have these little white spots all over my glass and I think they are barnacles.they are hard,white,and they started on my turbo snails.they put out a little string i guess for feeding.and I have these little anemone looking thing on the glass too.I put in a zoo coral which is getting big but when it closes its polyps I notice white spots all over it but it dooesnt seem too mind.
They are most likely feather dusters. Most tanks have many of these. Take a magnifying glass (a very useful tool) and look very closely at them from a side angle. You will see the little feather coming out of the shell.

You should scrape them off the glass before the get big. They can get caught in the glass scraper and then scratch the glass so be careful.
Worms, and mucus threads they use to catch food. I have a lot of them, look like spider webs. I just scape them off the glass.
I've got a ton of those tiny feather dusters and I've never had them encrust to the glass. So I'm guessing the little anemones are aptaisia.

If that turns out to be the case, get some joes juice or aptaisia X and destroy them asap.