Black Oce. Clownfish HELP!!


Reefing newb
Well I just noticed my black oce clown having little chunks of fins missing and a place on his back where it has turned white. I have a video im posting should be up soon any ideas?

Recently Added Tank Members:1 Midas Blenny, 1 Candy Cane Coral, 1 Hammers Coral

Old Members: 1 smaller Orange Oce Clown, 1 ble sapphire Damsel, 1 spotted cardnial, 1 Boxer Shrimp..

Any ideas?
Side Note I just thought about...

I just moved the candycane coral to another spot could it be he ran into it while sleep swimming?
Damsels and clowns (which are a type of damsel) are not peaceful at all. In fact, damsels are some of the most aggressive fish you can put in your tank.

Read the link that you posted. It says:

Like many of the other damselfish within the Chrysiptera genus, it can become aggressive towards slower moving tank mates. Be sure the aquarium has plenty of live rock for territories and hiding.

As the fish matures it may become aggressive, causing problems with the selection of other species of fish added to the aquarium. If keeping with other damselfish, provide plenty of live rock with multiple hiding places to break up territories and decrease aggression.
Like many of the other damselfish within the Chrysiptera genus, it can become aggressive towards slower moving tank mates. Be sure the aquarium has plenty of live rock for territories and hiding.
As the fish matures it may become aggressive, causing problems with the selection of other species of fish added to the aquarium. If keeping with other damselfish, provide plenty of live rock with multiple hiding places to break up territories and decrease aggression.
They didn't lie to you =P

Damn nvm, didn't see Biff's post lol.
I remeber reading only thing is I havent seen him become aggresive yet.

Have youll ever heard of a midas becoming mean?

Lol thank both of youll for pointing it out to me...Guess I may have to take him out if he is the culprit

I wouldnt think it would be him, because he hasnt touched him in 3 months and now all of a sudden
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The damsel doesn't explain the white blotch on the clownfish's back.I'm leaning towards a bacterial infection specifically fin rot.
I lifted this from another website.Does it show any of these symtoms?

Reddened and frayed fins, or red streaks through the fins.
Disintegration of the fins, i.e fin and tail rot.
Redness around the area of the lateral line, often seen as streaks or blotches.
Open sores on the sides of the body and near the fins.
Bloody scales at the base of the fins.
Rapid breathing.
A grey film over the eyes.
Listlessness or lethargy.
Loss of appetite.
Abdominal swelling or bloating. This is usually a sign of a bladder infection, often a common problem with Wrassesthat burrow in the substrate.
Hmm Not really still eat like a champ and no rapid breathing. Only signs there are from the fin and taill missing and the sore on his back.. but a fish couldnt do that somehow?
I've seen marks like that on my tangs where my Stary Blenny has bitten them.So the Midas could be the cause.Especially if the clown has tryed to bully the midas.
You have a 29 gallon right? Not to rain on your parade, but I believe your tank might be a bit over stocked. I noticed atleast 2 chromis in your tank that you didnt list. It also apeares that your fish cant turn around without running into another fish. This can cause stress and the fish to act out and attack each other.

If your tank is larger than 29 gallons, disregard this.