bleached hammer. HElP


Reefing newb

so i brought this hammer coral frag off trade me(is it a hammer? it was labeled as a frog spawn), the owner kept the 3 smaller heads(the 3 on the right of photo) under the rock and so now it is completely bleached.
Also the owner knocked it into her mushroom patch when she was taking it out ....................><
whats the chance of it recovering? I think it stands a chance as the 3 bigger&healthy heads
can share some nutient with its bleached clones.
Should i light acclimate the frag? right now i am placing it right under the halides to help the bleach heads.
Yes its a hammer, yes it will come back. But MOVE IT. If its right under the halides itll get worse. It does need to be acclimated, yes.