bubble tip anemone


Reefing newb
I have a bubble tip anemone that began to split after I had It for @3 month.
It is now been in my tank for about 14 month.
It has continue to split, and is 90% down the trunk.
1 can I split it the rest of the way with out hurting it?
2 If so what is the best way of doing this?
It also looks like it is splitting again.

Rich Kenny
I would not try to split it yourself. You could very easily damage the foot, and if you damage the anemone's foot, it cannot survive. I would just be patient and let it do its thing. :)
there are two reasons a BTA splits.
one is conditions are good in the tank and is happy..
or it is stressed. If it has been in there for 14 months with no changes to the tank then I am sure it is the second.. Just leave it be and it will finish splitting soon.. Once mine split the first time it now splits every three months or so... I move the new one to a seperate tank then get rid of it after a couple weeks. I just like to make sure it is good and healthy before selling or trading it..
Ok its been 1 ween and my anemone has not opened up,I have done 3 10% water changes, all the water parameter's are ok. Any thoughts.
If the tank has only been set up for a month, then it's way too soon to add an anemone. They require very mature, stable tanks -- and it usually takes a year to achieve that. They also require very high lighting. Depending on what type of BioCube you have, the lighting is probably fine, but again, I don't think it will do well in a newly set up tank.

Why are you doing so many water changes? In a tank that size, 3 to 5 gallons a week should be sufficient. And what exactly are your water parameters?