Candy cane

What kind of lighting and what kind of tank? WPG is a misleading measure. For example I could put a 250W Mh in the corner of a swimming pool full of salt water and then put a nice little acropora about 6" under it and the acro would do well in 0.001 Watts Per Gallon or I could but a 60W incandescent over a Dixie cup of salt water with another acropora frag at about 10000 Watts per gallon and that acro frag would die.
You surely cannot put them on the bottom or middle. you might start at the middle but I suspect you need to put them up high. remember to acclimate for photo shock if you are brighter than where they came from. My opinion is at least 5 watts per gallon and keep the piece midway to upper 1/3 of water collum. Good luck. keep us posted.
I would say that you might be able to get away with candy cane coral in that light if it was placed high in the aquarium and remember to spot feed it occasionally, due to somewhat low light it will need to get some additional food. You will also probably notice that it will have its feeding tentacle out a lot of the time looking for food to help supplement the food that is being provided by the zooanthelle. This feeder tentacle will occasionally be expelled and new one grown this is nothing to be concerned about.
You may want to eventually look into getting some better lighting like VHO or Halides you wouldnt beleive the difference it makes.