canister filter into dark refugium


Reef enthusiast
I have a 90gallon reef tank that I have 2 canister filters running for years now. Just lately my nitrates have been through the roof. I have been told by local reefers to change them into a dark refugium by putting nothing but live rock in them. I did this to one today and will do it to the other one if it sounds like a good idea to most of you. I would love to have a sump but with a baby you really can't afford many new up grades. I have a ramura pro with a mag3, and I am making a hangon refugium for cheato out of a old filter. Any feed back or donations(lol) would be great. Thanks Jason
What else are you running?
Do you have a skimmer?
What else do you have for flow or water movement?
How much live rock in the display?

If you have anywhere from 1-2lbs of live rock per gallon and skimmer than run the canister empty for water movement.
I don't now the number of pounds but the tank has a pretty nice sized wall. If I hab to guess I would say about 90 or 100. I just bought a ramura pro mag3. I also have two of the sweeping power heads. I am also making the refugium out of an old clear hang on. Water movement isn't a problem. There isn't an algae problem or anything like that I have just heard that carbon, filter pads and bioballs all produce nitrates. So I have enough ruble to fill the other one too does this sound like a good idea?
Ive never heard of running canisters with rubble.
I do know that unless your willing to completely clean a canister at least once a week you'll end up having problems.
Your best source of filtration on a reef tank is your sand,LR,and a good skimmer.
If you have enough flow without the canisters then take it off.Putting rubble in the canister wouldn't make any sense since(wha?) you have plenty of rocks already.Keep one of the canister handy for when you feel the need to run carbon or polish the water a bit.Like I mentioned earlier,run it empty for added flow or remove it.Your live rock is the biological filter,no need for the rubble to do the same thing.I don't even think it holds enough to make much of a difference.the choice is up to you,rubble will work but isn't necessary in your case.
The reason I was told to put rubble in them was for pods, because I have six line and copper band that eat them all in my display. I took the baskets out and with it full of rock without water it weighs about 20#. I was also thinking of making the other one into a sand bed, It would be about 10'' deep.
If thats the case than go for it.IMO,I think there are always holes and crevices were pods can populate without threats from fish.Besides most pods come out at night to feed.

Will sand stay in a canister?It just sounds like it would clog up the return.
I doubt sand will stay in a canister.The flows way to much for it.
The sand will end up eatting the impeller up or cloging it,then you'll have a burned up pump.
JMO though.
I thought about that right after I wrote it. My ? now is how much light does cheato take to grow. My canisters are pretty transparent, and I think I could rig up a way to keep it out of the impeller. I have an extra 55watt pc laying around. Does anyone think this will work?
don't think you will get enough light through the canister for it to grow. it can be placed in the main tank without any problems. I did it for six months until I finished my refugium. just wedge it between a piece of rock so that it doesn't float around. it wont attach to anything or become invasive. so, it can be remove whenever you desire whithout any problems.
I agree with what others have said, the flow through a canister filter is way too fast to successfully keep pods or macroalgae in it. Canister filters will lead to really high nitrates unless you clean them religiously (which is really hard to do). In my opinion, they are basically useless except for occasionally running carbon or phosphate media, or stuff like that. Ditch them.
everytime I have ever cleaned my canisters I have see pods in them. I am not trying to defend canisters at all. I just don't have the option for a sump right now unless I make it from a ten gallon that I have laying around. That almost seems like a waist of time.