Carbon reactor for 300 gallon advice please


Reefing newb
I have a 300 gal tank which I have always kept about 6 bags of chemi pure in the sump. Based on what I have been reading it appears that I would get better use of carbon in a reactor for a slower more consistent flow. Has anyone used chemi pure in a reactor or do I have to switch to carbon?:question: Also for this size tank what make/model would you recommend? :HELP!:Appreciate your experience!
I have an Iwaki 70RLT and an Iwaki 55RLT that pull from one end of the sump. On the other end I have an ETS protein skimmer which is the main reason for the 55RLT based on what the manufacturer told me to combine with for proper operation. The 70 RLT pushed through to a chiller about 12 ft away and then back another 17 ft to the top end of the tank. I also have a quiet pump 3000 on a closed loop for circulation only at the bottom of the tank where it pulls from a bottom drilled holed and returns on the bottom at the other end.:sfish:
Throw the 550 Phosban on the intake side. What are you having issues with that you think it would be better using a reactor? Your Phosphates high? Water not clear?
I have green algae all over rocks/back wall (lloks like turf) and was going to order cuc and improve the carbon use as a first step. My latge tank only has about 10 astrea snails. Then after a month to see results work on adding a GFO reactor possibly. Just started to read about those now.
Right on track then. The additional CUC will help you out. But the phosphate levels should be kept down to keep the algae from over taking the whole tank, and being an issue.
So you agree better to put in reactor versus flow throw? Also can I still use the chemi pure in the reactor? I was looking into the bulk reef jumbo reactor. Thanks for any insight!