Carnation coral


Reefing newb
I have doing research online and a lot of info say there are very hard to keep these corals anyone have experience with this coral and is this coral fairly hard to keep ?
They are fairly difficult to keep. They are non-photosynthetic and need to have all their nutritional needs met from the water. So it's really easy to ruin your water quality trying to keep them fed.

Carnation Corals aren't photosynthetic and will need to fed at least a couple of times per week. i have a large Carnation Coral, 3 colonies of Dendrophyllia and 4 gorgonians in my tank, all of which I have had for at least 3 years. I feed in the enveings and keep my corals well fed 3 times per week alternating with live baby brine shrimp, frozen cyclops, Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Phyton and TM Pro-Coral Zooton. As the names suggests TM phyton is a photo plankton like product and Zooton is a zooplankton like food product for corals. I have noticed greater polyp extension and more pods etc. in my tank since I started feeding the Pro Coral foods.
I have tried Carnation Corals and struck out 3 times now. They fall apart within a week of getting them and die. I would in no way recommend them to anyone. JMO

yvr you should post some pictures of yours. It sounds beautiful.