
That's his guts, it's a sign of stress. check your parameters and make sure that it's not in too much flow. CBS don't generally go after soft coral so I am inclined to think it could be something else going on in there. Probably good to get rid of the CBS though anyway.

Good Lord, what ELSE could go wrong? The LR that the LFS solds me, which the shrooms were on... just GUESS what they had on them...


Looks like the CBS is not guilty.

Params look good, also.
Good Lord, what ELSE could go wrong? The LR that the LFS solds me, which the shrooms were on... just GUESS what they had on them...


Looks like the CBS is not guilty.

Params look good, also.

I wouldnt bet on that CBS being innocent.
The one I had,loved to munch on soft corals at night when he thought nobody was watching.
Always looking to make trouble. I truly have never heard of CBS bothering anything other than, oh everything except corals! Yote obviously has more experience with them and if he says they do, then I say they do too! And yes I am running for mayor and I expect your vote!
i had a cbs and it killed the arrow crab that i had i watched it snap off all it legs and pinchers than leave it there to die they are active at night and just hang out during the day. they are evil shrimp.
That's his guts, it's a sign of stress. check your parameters and make sure that it's not in too much flow. CBS don't generally go after soft coral so I am inclined to think it could be something else going on in there. Probably good to get rid of the CBS though anyway.

take yotes advice on this one over my previous advice. he certainly knows better than me!

Always looking to make trouble. I truly have never heard of CBS bothering anything other than, oh everything except corals! Yote obviously has more experience with them and if he says they do, then I say they do too! And yes I am running for mayor and I expect your vote!

I would certainly give it to you in this town. :D:D:D:D:D
I really appreciate how you put all three threads there for easy comparison so that if there was any doubt before about how wrong I was, it is now perfectly clear for all to see. It's too bad you couldn't add little flashing arrows to further gather everyone's attention and perhaps a neon sign on the first page to lure all passer-by's into this thread just so we can be sure that no one misses the point! :D :D :D

:shocking::shocking::shocking::shocking::shocking: Perhaps some of these would do the trick :shocking::shocking::shocking::shocking::shocking: