chichimom79's 60 gallon cube

If you do get a green mandarin get one that already eats frozen. And make sure you see him eat frozen before you buy him. Hannah is right, training one to eat frozen in such a large tank would be a pain in the neck.
What about putting it in the sump for a while? Also wanted to mention that I will be looking for one already eating frozen, but I want to be able to monitor that for a while after bringing it home.
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Yep. I got it back and it is functioning as it should, and they threw in an extra connector cable upon my request. It was a process and I was getting upset by their service, but I feel they redeemed themselves. I love it now that it works!! :D
Everyone meet Sasha, the Midas Blenny!! She is still pretty shy and putting on her scardy stripes most of the time. I have seen her eat though :D

I also added a BUNCH more live rock. I love how it came out. There is a big cave between the huge base rock pieces.



What do you think?? :trampolin
Midas Blenny FTW! Sasha is precious. And she'll get over being a scaredy fish and start photobombing all your pictures here soon......