Clownfish nipping... my fingers?!


Reefing newb
Okay, so I saw my large snail (I think it's a turbo snail) had fallen off the glass and was on it's back behind some of my rocks tonight. The hermit crabs were already getting ready to move in for the kill and the snail had grabbed one of them with it's foot and was holding it out of range of his soft flesh, but there were others about to get on him as well.

I was relieved I saw it in time and I reached in to grab him, but I had to move some rock first. This particular rock was part of the formation that my ocellaris clown likes to hide in, and when I got near it the clown started nipping at my hand! It didn't hurt really, but it surprised me. I tried to go near that rock again and he kept doing it. I finally got my net out and kind of blocked him off with it so he wouldn't try to bite me while I rescued my poor snail, but still, the situation was bizarre... I was hoping to add more fish at a later date, but I don't think I will if he's just going to attack any newcomers.. Is he going to be like this if I try to add another fish? I know fish can get territorial, but I thought clowns were supposed to be more docile, especially since he was tank raised or tank bred (I can't remember which). It's worth mentioning that he's been the only fish in that tank for the entire almost 2 years it's been set up.
clownfish are related to damsels after all so they can be territorial, as for the adding another fish part, you never know whats going to happen
Clowns are notoriously aggressive and territorial. Some people cannot add any new fish once they get a clown. Some breeds of clown are more aggressive than others (tomato and maroon clowns are usually pretty bad). In a 29 gallon tank, your fish may think that the whole tank is his territory, and chances are good that he will be aggressive towards any new fish you add. You can minimize this chance by adding fish that aren't inherently territorial and aggressive. For example, no more clowns, damsels, or aggressive wrasses! If you stick with timid, docile fish, the clown won't feel like it's territory is threatened as much.
and when you add a new fish you can change up the aquascaping so that all fish have to find a new territory

Yeah, I've read moving around the rock will break any "territories" they may have staked out. Thanks for the replies guys. I'm not looking to add anything right now, and when I am ready to add more life it'll be corals. In fact, if I add one more fish to this setup, I think that'll be the last. It's too small to house a lot of fish anyway...

This is more rhetorical than a question, but I know that putting 2 of the same fish in one tank is usually a bad idea. I guess... like, how does a fish know the fish it's looking at is exactly like it? It's not like they can turn their heads and look at their bodies or look in the mirror or whatever, but somehow they know that their species looks just like them... I dunno, just something I've thought about a lot before, haha.
That is a good question. One that I have never thought about before. Maybe it's not so much about physical appearance, but pheromones or chemical signals that like animals send off.
Yeah, I'm sure the answer goes far beyond my understanding of the animal kingdom, it's just interesting to ponder. It probably is something with scent or instinct.
my clowns love me, I put my hand in all over their rock and the coral they host and they just swim around me. I think they think of me as their personal house cleaner.
Yeah, it's weird that their range of behavior can be so different... thanks for all the input. I know every fish is different but, still, I always thought clowns were more docile. If I ever get any more fish, I'm going to break up the rock formations and move stuff around. I can't think of any more fish I'd want to house right now though... except for one of these babies!


Haha. I don't have that kind of money right now though... even if I did I wouldn't trust myself with that expensive of a fish.