Coral lighting

Live Rock

Hi everyone, I have a Biocube 29 with stock lighting. When the lights are turned on, my hammer coral tends to recede a bit, showing part of its skeleton. However, under the moonlight leds, it fully expands. Should I replace my lights with lower intensity lights? I plan on getting corals with low to moderate lighting needs.
No, dont look to much into temp looking corals. All my corals, whether sps or lps, they go through their periods....if it looks good 90% of the time dont worry....its just doing its thing. A crab could have just disturbed the coral, it could be shitting, coukld be eating, could be splitting.....nothing ever looks 100%, 100% of the time....ever...idc who says otherwise.
The stock lighting of the bio-cube are probably power compacts, which are low intensity...just make sure the coral isn't too close to the lights. Try placing it on the sand, or in a dimly lit area for a week or two and see how it does.
Yay someone else with the same questions! I bought my biocube from someone and i dont know a thing about it. lol
So yay!