Coral mixes lps+sps+soft?

the other ideas sound fine. Make sure your rockwork has enough space between the corals to provide growth

Six inches is good although I don't have that much space even in my 210.Usually enough space for them to expand and grow for awhile without ending touching one another(maybe 3'' or so).Now some corals can touch each other and not harm one another.For instance,I have a colt,xenia,neosponges and cloves all touching and growing on one rock without harm.I have schrooms and zoos together without harm.
members of the same families can touch - zoas, shrooms, hammers, etc. Derasa clams are tough to keep. Wait on that one for a while

Blastomussa aren't branching cup coral. I think you have those confused. Blastomussa wellsi and merleti are just called Blastos. Branching cup coral is another type of coral.

But other than that (;)) I think you've got a good plan going! It's good to plan out what you want ahead of time.

Also, clams feed on nitrates in the water. If you have too many, they won't do well.