coralife deep six hydrometer


I Love Reefer
are u supposed to fill it with salt water and let it sit with the saltwater in it for 24 hrs?
cuz thats what it says to do on the box.
You are supposed to throw it in the trash and buy a refractometer instead. :)

I don't know anyone that lets the hydrometer sit for 24 hours. Most people just dip it in the tank and take an instant reading. They are very innacurate though, even right out of the box, a half dozen brand new ones will give you a half dozen different readings with a very wide spread. And they need to be replaced every 6 months.

You are better off spending the $30 to $40 and getting an accurate and reliable refractometer.
I got mine off of EBay too. It says ATC on it so maybe that's the brand. Invest in one, they aren't that expensive. Otherwise, with a hydrometer you will be guessing all the time. I got a different reading everyday with my hydrometer even when it was new.