Corals adapting to MH lighting


Reefing newb
I have a couple corals in my bigger tank that is under four t5 bulbs. I would like to move a couple over to my smaller tank tha thas the 250 MH light over it but wondered about compatibility.

The corals I am wondering about are blastomussas, acans and possibly my riccordea mushroom. I have two blastos which are both doing very well under the t5. One I would like to move over. I have a couple different acans that I would like to move to MH. And the riccordea, it has always been alive while I have had it but I have never seen it reproduce and wonder if it'd do better under MH lighting. Would these corals do just as well under the MH or are there ones that shouldn't be exposed to higher lighting? Just asking because I have read different things about all of them.
Well, most corals can be kept under higher lighting. It is a matter of acclimating them. You can't just toss them in and expect them to do well.

You need to put them in shaded areas and reduce the photo-period. Then gradually increase the time that they are exposed to the light. This will give the corals a chance to get accustomed to the new light. I usually take a few weeks to a month to increase the light. I cut it down to on hour for a week, then add half an hour every three to four days.