dcantucson's Zero Edge

what if its a hot zombie and you can get away with her not biting you for at least 5 pumps? (of course by pumps im talking about shotguns here.... right?)
what if its a hot zombie and you can get away with her not biting you for at least 5 pumps? (of course by pumps im talking about shotguns here.... right?)
lets say nobody is looking and nobody will find out. this leaves out judgment and future explanations

Here's my problem with this whole line of questioning...what's a hot zombie? really?


I mean there's hot...and then there's hot...for a zombie; that's like asking me if I wanted to have sex with a hot fat chick; answer would be "Not even with your dick" since she would still be a fat chick, just a better looking one than normal. For example:


:shock:... :zombie: ....No thanks :faint:

Here's my problem with this whole line of questioning...what's a hot zombie? really?


:shock:... :zombie: ....No thanks :faint:


Dude, she bought Tony Romo a brand new Wakeboard boat for his birthday. I'd hit that for a nice new Sanger V215!
alright man i think you have a point. so what your saying is you would have to get drunk first and not let your friends find out haha
...and then blackout drunk afterwards so I wouldn't ever really be able to tell if it really happened; haha