Deep Dark Purple Coralline?


Reefing newb
I have noticed these new dark purple encrusting growths on my rocks in the new aquarium.
I thought they were cyano but they could not be brushed away and did not feel spongy. They felt more like they were calcified or encrusted.

I do not know if this is a different strain of coralline algae that is starting to take hold or if it is something more along the nuisance category.

Here's a picture of a sarcophyton with the regular coralline starting to encrust the base rock on one side, and the dark purple growth encrusting the other side.

I tried to get as good a close up shot as I could.

Here's one of my old live rock where there appears to be the beginnings of a coralline turf war.

Even my hermit crabs are being encrusted. I don't think I have noticed this happening when they were in my old tank.
The snails appear to be unaffected - I guess this thing cannot encrust living shells.

Does anyone know if the dark purple growths are just a different kind of coralline and are harmless? Or do I need to start chipping them out of the rocks?
I have three different shades of coraline. Nothing to worry about in my opinion.