Distilled water


Reefing newb
I was just wondering what everyones feeling were on distilled water versus RO/DI water? The reason I'm asking is that I can get distilled water right up the road at the grocery store cheaper than I can taking the 10 mile ride to my LFS untill I can get a unit.
Ro/di and distilled water are the same thing, it's just a different process for purifying the water.
I've been told by several people that some distilleries still use copper lines in the distilling process. Best to check with the company that makes it before buying it. Copper is bad.
I do not know anything about the distilling process, but from what I heard years ago, distilled water can pick up metals as it travels through the process. If the distilled process involves copper or iron fittings, then it may be in the water you purchase. The only metal that ok in the aquarium is stainless steel.
Copper should only be in a quarantine or treatment tank when it is purchased as a liguid additive to treat disease.
The fish and corals are not exposed to metals in the wild at the concentration that may be in the distilled water.
It's better for you and the tank inhabitants if you went to the lfs and purchase an ro/di filtration system.